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Services Provided

All the following topics concerning obstetrics and gynaecology are taken care of 

in the practice.
Dr Marzano will refer you to the Region’s hospitals and specialized centres for any pathology that cannot be treated in her practice, after an initial assessment.

Gynécologie de l'adolescente

• Menstrual disorders
• Pelvic pain
• Contraception advice
• Sexuality
• Sexually transmitted diseases
• Gynaecological and urinary infections

Gynécologie de la femme adulte

• Gynecological check-up
• Menstrual disorders
• Pelvic pain and endometriosis
• Diseases of the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus and ovaries.
• Colposcopy
• Contraception advice
• Sexuality
• Infertility
• Early menopause
• Urinary incontinence
• Female genital prolapse
• Gynecological and urinary infections
• Sexually transmitted infections

Gynécologie pour la grossesse

• Monitoring of normal and risk pregnancy
• Prenatal screening
• Obstetric ultrasound
• Miscarriage and repeated miscarriage
• Postpartum control
• Postpartum contraception

gynécologie liée à la ménopause

• Peri-menopausal disorder
• Menopause and hormonal replacement
• Gynaecological check-up
• Diseases of the vulva, vagina, cervix, uterus and ovaries.
• Colposcopy
• Sexuality
• Urinary incontinence
• Female genital prolapse
• Gynaecological and urinary infections
• Sexually transmitted infections